Picture of Tim Newman

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Mobile 07906-367783

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you qualified?
I hold several diplomas and certificates with over 25 years experience, and am a fully insured practitioner/teacher. My initial training was as a receiver of massage at a London college , where I was a ‘practice body’ for the students once a week over a year period. I was thus able to appreciate the benefits of regular and repeated bodymind attentions at a time when I was looking at what to do next in my life. This led me to want to learn it and practice it myself and in turn this eventually led to my becoming a trainer of others – mainly in Spain.
What sort of massage do you give?
I draw on a range of techniques and traditions, ranging from subtle energetic holding to firm physical rub downs. I regularly receive all kinds of massage from other practitioners and continue to learn from each session I give or receive.
What do I need to say beforehand?
Usually very little if you are in good general health. You should mention any medication you are taking and, if you have any recent injury or surgery, it is important to point this out.
Can I speak during the massage?
Sometimes there may be an issue, situation or request that you prefer to share with the masseur prior to getting on the massage couch. This is in order not to have to talk later or worry about whether to mention it and interrupt the flow of the session. However your comfort and ease are the prime factors governing whether you should speak or not and you can always talk to the masseur, whether to ask for an extra pillow or to share some response to the session.       Top of page
How much clothing do I need to remove?
Massage can be done anywhere between fully unclothed and fully clothed. Whatever feels comfortable to you is the rule of thumb - otherwise you will not be able to relax fully. I will work around any clothing left on – sometimes this means that an area of the body will receive minimal work.

Massage actually provides an opportunity to be undressed without shame and without fuss. Usually, after one or more sessions, you will develop a sense of trusting rapport with your masseur, and be able to savour and luxuriate in the healing and pleasurable qualities of direct skin contact.
Is it traditional to remain clothed?
Each tradition and culture has its norms and taboos. As a result of all the travelling an connections between countries over the last 50 years, many of these different forms are meeting and exchanging ideas, leading to all kinds of changes in what is acceptable and enjoyable. What is common to all however is the respect that the masseur owes the client, and the respect which the client similarly owes the practitioner.
How frequently should I have massage ?
Ideally about once a month – depending on the pace and demands of your life. At times of peak stress or change you may want to come more often than that – and sometimes you will perhaps try some other form of bodywork as a contrast or complement. As a regular receiver my self for 25 years, I generally find that once a month is enough – but to begin with I felt as though I needed it every day !!   Top of page